Part IB, 2001
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commentDefine uniform continuity for functions defined on a (bounded or unbounded) interval in .
Is it true that a real function defined and uniformly continuous on is necessarily bounded?
Is it true that a real function defined and with a bounded derivative on is necessarily uniformly continuous there?
Which of the following functions are uniformly continuous on :
(i) ;
(ii) ;
(iii) ?
Justify your answers.
commentShow that each of the functions below is a metric on the set of functions :
Is the space complete in the metric? Justify your answer.
Show that the set of functions
is a Cauchy sequence with respect to the metric on , yet does not tend to a limit in the metric in this space. Hence, deduce that this space is not complete in the metric.
commentState and prove the contraction mapping theorem.
Let , let be the discrete metric on , and let be the metric given by: is symmetric and
Verify that is a metric, and that it is Lipschitz equivalent to .
Define an appropriate function such that is a contraction in the metric, but not in the metric.
commentDefine total boundedness for metric spaces.
Prove that a metric space has the Bolzano-Weierstrass property if and only if it is complete and totally bounded.
commentDefine what is meant by a norm on a real vector space.
(a) Prove that two norms on a vector space (not necessarily finite-dimensional) give rise to equivalent metrics if and only if they are Lipschitz equivalent.
(b) Prove that if the vector space has an inner product, then for all ,
in the induced norm.
Hence show that the norm on defined by , where , cannot be induced by an inner product.
commentProve that if all the partial derivatives of (with ) exist in an open set containing and are continuous at this point, then is differentiable at .
At which points of the plane is the partial derivative continuous?
At which points is the function differentiable? Justify your answers.
commentLet be a mapping of a metric space into itself such that for all distinct in .
Show that and are continuous functions of .
Now suppose that is compact and let
Show that we cannot have .
[You may assume that a continuous function on a compact metric space is bounded and attains its bounds.]
Deduce that possesses a fixed point, and that it is unique.
commentLet be a pointwise convergent sequence of real-valued functions on a closed interval . Prove that, if for every , the sequence is monotonic in , and if all the functions , and are continuous, then uniformly on .
By considering a suitable sequence of functions on , show that if the interval is not closed but all other conditions hold, the conclusion of the theorem may fail.
commentA complex function is defined for every , where is a non-empty open subset of , and it possesses a derivative at every . Commencing from a formal definition of derivative, deduce the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
commentState the Cauchy integral formula.
Assuming that the function is analytic in the disc , prove that, for every , it is true that
[Taylor's theorem may be used if clearly stated.]
commentLet the function be integrable for all real arguments , such that
and assume that the series
converges uniformly for all .
Prove the Poisson summation formula
where is the Fourier transform of . [Hint: You may show that
or, alternatively, prove that is periodic and express its Fourier expansion coefficients explicitly in terms of .]
Letting , use the Poisson summation formula to evaluate the sum
commentLet be a rational function such that . Assuming that has no real poles, use the residue calculus to evaluate
Given that is an integer, evaluate
commentConsider a conformal mapping of the form
where , and . You may assume . Show that any such which maps the unit circle onto itself is necessarily of the form
[Hint: Show that it is always possible to choose .]
commentState Jordan's Lemma.
Consider the integral
for real and . The rectangular contour runs from to , to , to and back to , where is infinitesimal and positive. Perform the integral in two ways to show that
for .
commentDetermine the pressure at a depth below the surface of a static fluid of density subject to gravity . A rigid body having volume is fully submerged in such a fluid. Calculate the buoyancy force on the body.
An iceberg of uniform density is observed to float with volume protruding above a large static expanse of seawater of density . What is the total volume of the iceberg?
commentA fluid motion has velocity potential given by
where is a constant. Find the corresponding velocity field . Determine .
The time-average of a quantity is defined as .
Show that the time-average of this velocity field at every point is zero.
Write down an expression for the fluid acceleration and find the time-average acceleration at .
Suppose now that . The material particle at at time is marked with dye. Write down equations for its subsequent motion and verify that its position at time is given (correct to terms of order ) as
Deduce the time-average velocity of the dyed particle correct to this order.
commentInviscid incompressible fluid occupies the region , which is bounded by a rigid barrier along . At time , a line vortex of strength is placed at position . By considering the flow due to an image vortex at , or otherwise, determine the velocity potential in the fluid.
Derive the position of the original vortex at time .
commentState the form of Bernoulli's theorem appropriate for an unsteady irrotational motion of an inviscid incompressible fluid.
A circular cylinder of radius is immersed in unbounded inviscid fluid of uniform density . The cylinder moves in a prescribed direction perpendicular to its axis, with speed . Use cylindrical polar coordinates, with the direction parallel to the direction of the motion, to find the velocity potential in the fluid.
If depends on time and gravity is negligible, determine the pressure field in the fluid at time . Deduce the fluid force per unit length on the cylinder.
[In cylindrical polar coordinates, .]
commentStarting from the Euler equation, derive the vorticity equation for the motion of an inviscid incompressible fluid under a conservative body force, and give a physical interpretation of each term in the equation. Deduce that in a flow field of the form the vorticity of a material particle is conserved.
Find the vorticity for such a flow in terms of the stream function . Deduce that if the flow is steady, there must be a function such that
commentA long straight canal has rectangular cross-section with a horizontal bottom and width that varies slowly with distance downstream. Far upstream, has a constant value , the water depth has a constant value , and the velocity has a constant value . Assuming that the water velocity is steady and uniform across the channel, use mass conservation and Bernoulli's theorem, which should be stated carefully, to show that the water depth satisfies
Deduce that for a given value of , a flow of this kind can exist only if is everywhere greater than or equal to a critical value , which is to be determined in terms of .
Suppose that everywhere. At locations where the channel width exceeds , determine graphically, or otherwise, under what circumstances the water depth exceeds
commentDefine the terms connected and path connected for a topological space. If a topological space is path connected, prove that it is connected.
Consider the following subsets of :
with the subspace (metric) topology. Prove that is connected.
[You may assume that any interval in (with the usual topology) is connected.]
commentState Liouville's Theorem. Prove it by considering
and letting .
Prove that, if is a function analytic on all of with real and imaginary parts and , then either of the conditions:
implies that is constant.
commentState a version of Rouché's Theorem. Find the number of solutions (counted with multiplicity) of the equation
inside the open disc , for the cases and 5 .
[Hint: For the case , you may find it helpful to consider the function 2) .]
commentIf and are topological spaces, describe the open sets in the product topology on . If the topologies on and are induced from metrics, prove that the same is true for the product.
What does it mean to say that a topological space is compact? If the topologies on and are compact, prove that the same is true for the product.
commentLet be analytic in the . Assume the formula
By combining this formula with a complex conjugate version of Cauchy's Theorem, namely
prove that
where is the real part of .
commentLet be a punctured disc, and an analytic function on . What does it mean to say that has the origin as (i) a removable singularity, (ii) a pole, and (iii) an essential singularity? State criteria for (i), (ii), (iii) to occur, in terms of the Laurent series for at 0 .
Suppose now that the origin is an essential singularity for . Given any , show that there exists a sequence of points in such that and . [You may assume the fact that an isolated singularity is removable if the function is bounded in some open neighbourhood of the singularity.]
State the Open Mapping Theorem. Prove that if is analytic and injective on , then the origin cannot be an essential singularity. By applying this to the function , or otherwise, deduce that if is an injective analytic function on , then is linear of the form , for some non-zero complex number . [Here, you may assume that injective implies that its derivative is nowhere vanishing.]
Part IB
commentWrite down the Riemannian metric on the disc model of the hyperbolic plane. What are the geodesics passing through the origin? Show that the hyperbolic circle of radius centred on the origin is just the Euclidean circle centred on the origin with Euclidean radius .
Write down an isometry between the upper half-plane model of the hyperbolic plane and the disc model , under which corresponds to . Show that the hyperbolic circle of radius centred on in is a Euclidean circle with centre and of radius .
commentDescribe geometrically the stereographic projection map from the unit sphere to the extended complex plane , and find a formula for . Show that any rotation of about the -axis corresponds to a Möbius transformation of . You are given that the rotation of defined by the matrix
corresponds under to a Möbius transformation of ; deduce that any rotation of about the -axis also corresponds to a Möbius transformation.
Suppose now that correspond under to distinct points , and let denote the angular distance from to on . Show that is the cross-ratio of the points , taken in some order (which you should specify). [You may assume that the cross-ratio is invariant under Möbius transformations.]
commentState and prove the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for the area of a spherical triangle.
Suppose is a regular dodecahedron, with centre the origin. Explain how each face of gives rise to a spherical pentagon on the 2 -sphere . For each such spherical pentagon, calculate its angles and area.
commentDescribe the hyperbolic lines in the upper half-plane model of the hyperbolic plane. The group acts on via Möbius transformations, which you may assume are isometries of . Show that acts transitively on the hyperbolic lines. Find explicit formulae for the reflection in the hyperbolic line in the cases (i) is a vertical line , and (ii) is the unit semi-circle with centre the origin. Verify that the composite of a reflection of type (ii) followed afterwards by one of type (i) is given by .
Suppose now that and are distinct hyperbolic lines in the hyperbolic plane, with denoting the corresponding reflections. By considering different models of the hyperbolic plane, or otherwise, show that
(a) has infinite order if and are parallel or ultraparallel, and
(b) has finite order if and only if and meet at an angle which is a rational multiple of .
commentDetermine for which values of the matrix
is invertible. Determine the rank of as a function of . Find the adjugate and hence the inverse of for general .
comment(a) Find a matrix over with both minimal polynomial and characteristic polynomial equal to . Furthermore find two matrices and over which have the same characteristic polynomial, , and the same minimal polynomial, , but which are not conjugate to one another. Is it possible to find a third such matrix, , neither conjugate to nor to ? Justify your answer.
(b) Suppose is an matrix over which has minimal polynomial of the form for distinct roots in . Show that the vector space on which defines an endomorphism decomposes as a direct sum into , where is the identity.
[Hint: Express in terms of and
Now suppose that has minimal polynomial for distinct . By induction or otherwise show that
Use this last statement to prove that an arbitrary matrix is diagonalizable if and only if all roots of its minimal polynomial lie in and have multiplicity
commentShow that right multiplication by defines a linear transformation . Find the matrix representing with respect to the basis
of . Prove that the characteristic polynomial of is equal to the square of the characteristic polynomial of , and that and have the same minimal polynomial.
commentDefine the dual of a vector space . Given a basis of define its dual and show it is a basis of . For a linear transformation define the dual .
Explain (with proof) how the matrix representing with respect to given bases of and relates to the matrix representing with respect to the corresponding dual bases of and .
Prove that and have the same rank.
Suppose that is an invertible endomorphism. Prove that .
commentDetermine the dimension of the subspace of spanned by the vectors
Write down a matrix which defines a linear map whose image is and which contains in its kernel. What is the dimension of the space of all linear maps with in the kernel, and image contained in ?
commentLet be a vector space over . Let be a nilpotent endomorphism of , i.e. for some positive integer . Prove that can be represented by a strictly upper-triangular matrix (with zeros along the diagonal). [You may wish to consider the subspaces for .]
Show that if is nilpotent, then where is the dimension of . Give an example of a matrix such that but .
Let be a nilpotent matrix and the identity matrix. Prove that has all eigenvalues equal to 1 . Is the same true of if and are nilpotent? Justify your answer.
commentFind the Jordan normal form of the matrix
and determine both the characteristic and the minimal polynomial of .
Find a basis of such that (the Jordan normal form of ) is the matrix representing the endomorphism in this basis. Give a change of basis matrix such that .
commentLet and be matrices over . Show that and have the same characteristic polynomial. [Hint: Look at for , where and are scalar variables.]
Show by example that and need not have the same minimal polynomial.
Suppose that is diagonalizable, and let be its minimal polynomial. Show that the minimal polynomial of must divide . Using this and the first part of the question prove that and are conjugate.
commentThe even function has the Fourier cosine series
in the interval . Show that
Find the Fourier cosine series of in the same interval, and show that
commentUse the substitution to find the general solution of
Find the Green's function , which satisfies
for , subject to the boundary conditions as and as , for each fixed .
Hence, find the solution of the equation
subject to the same boundary conditions.
Verify that both forms of your solution satisfy the appropriate equation and boundary conditions, and match at .
commentShow that the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of a second-rank tensor are themselves tensors, and that the decomposition of a tensor into symmetric and antisymmetric parts is unique.
For the tensor having components
find the scalar , vector and symmetric traceless tensor such that
for every vector .
commentExplain what is meant by an isotropic tensor.
Show that the fourth-rank tensor
is isotropic for arbitrary scalars and .
Assuming that the most general isotropic tensor of rank 4 has the form , or otherwise, evaluate
where is the position vector and .
commentLaplace's equation in the plane is given in terms of plane polar coordinates and in the form
In each of the cases
find the general solution of Laplace's equation which is single-valued and finite.
Solve also Laplace's equation in the annulus with the boundary conditions
commentFind the Fourier sine series representation on the interval of the function
The motion of a struck string is governed by the equation
subject to boundary conditions at and for , and to the initial conditions and at .
Obtain the solution for this motion. Evaluate for , and sketch it clearly.
commentThe Legendre polynomial satisfies
Show that obeys an equation which can be recast in Sturm-Liouville form and has the eigenvalue . What is the orthogonality relation for for ?
commentA curve in the -plane connects the points and has a fixed length . Find an expression for the area of the surface of the revolution obtained by rotating about the -axis.
Show that the area has a stationary value for
where is a constant such that
Show that the latter equation admits a unique positive solution for .
commentFind an LU factorization of the matrix
and use it to solve the linear system , where
comment(a) Let be an positive-definite, symmetric matrix. Define the Cholesky factorization of and prove that it is unique.
(b) Let be an matrix, , such that . Prove the uniqueness of the "skinny QR factorization"
where the matrix is with orthonormal columns, while is an upper-triangular matrix with positive diagonal elements.
[Hint: Show that you may choose as a matrix that features in the Cholesky factorization of .]
commentGiven , let the th-degree polynomial interpolate the values , , where are distinct. Given , find the error in terms of a derivative of .
commentLet the monic polynomials , be orthogonal with respect to the weight function , where the degree of each is exactly .
(a) Prove that each , has distinct zeros in the interval .
(b) Suppose that the satisfy the three-term recurrence relation
where . Set
Prove that , and deduce that all the eigenvalues of reside in .
commentLet be given constants, not all equal.
Use the Lagrangian sufficiency theorem, which you should state clearly, without proof, to minimize subject to the two constraints
commentConsider the following linear programming problem,
Formulate the problem in a suitable way for solution by the two-phase simplex method.
Using the two-phase simplex method, show that if then the optimal solution has objective function value , while if the optimal objective function value is .
commentExplain what is meant by a two-person zero-sum game with payoff matrix . Write down a set of sufficient conditions for a pair of strategies to be optimal for such a game.
A fair coin is tossed and the result is shown to player I, who must then decide to 'pass' or 'bet'. If he passes, he must pay player II . If he bets, player II, who does not know the result of the coin toss, may either 'fold' or 'call the bet'. If player II folds, she pays player I . If she calls the bet and the toss was a head, she pays player I ; if she calls the bet and the toss was a tail, player I must pay her .
Formulate this as a two-person zero-sum game and find optimal strategies for the two players. Show that the game has value .
[Hint: Player I has four possible moves and player II two.]
commentDumbledore Publishers must decide how many copies of the best-selling "History of Hogwarts" to print in the next two months to meet demand. It is known that the demands will be for 40 thousand and 60 thousand copies in the first and second months respectively, and these demands must be met on time. At the beginning of the first month, a supply of 10 thousand copies is available, from existing stock. During each month, Dumbledore can produce up to 40 thousand copies, at a cost of 400 galleons per thousand copies. By having employees work overtime, up to 150 thousand additional copies can be printed each month, at a cost of 450 galleons per thousand copies. At the end of each month, after production and the current month's demand has been satisfied, a holding cost of 20 galleons per thousand copies is incurred.
Formulate a transportation problem, with 5 supply points and 3 demand points, to minimize the sum of production and holding costs during the two month period, and solve it.
[You may assume that copies produced during a month can be used to meet demand in that month.]
commentLet be a binary quadratic form with integer coefficients. Define what is meant by the discriminant of , and show that is positive-definite if and only if . Define what it means for the form to be reduced. For any integer , we define the class number to be the number of positive-definite reduced binary quadratic forms (with integer coefficients) with discriminant . Show that is always finite (for negative . Find , and exhibit the corresponding reduced forms.
commentLet be a symmetric bilinear form on a finite dimensional vector space over a field of characteristic . Prove that the form may be diagonalized, and interpret the rank of in terms of the resulting diagonal form.
For a symmetric bilinear form on a real vector space of finite dimension , define the signature of , proving that it is well-defined. A subspace of is called null if ; show that has a null subspace of dimension , but no null subspace of higher dimension.
Consider now the quadratic form on given by
Write down the matrix for the corresponding symmetric bilinear form, and calculate . Hence, or otherwise, find the rank and signature of .
commentLet be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field . Describe a bijective correspondence between the set of bilinear forms on , and the set of linear maps of to its dual space . If are non-degenerate bilinear forms on , prove that there exists an isomorphism such that for all . If furthermore both are symmetric, show that is self-adjoint (i.e. equals its adjoint) with respect to .
commentSuppose is an odd prime and an integer coprime to . Define the Legendre symbol , and state (without proof) Euler's criterion for its calculation.
For any positive integer, we denote by the (unique) integer with and . Let be the number of integers for which is negative. Prove that
Hence determine the odd primes for which 2 is a quadratic residue.
Suppose that are primes congruent to 7 modulo 8 , and let
Show that 2 is a quadratic residue for any prime dividing . Prove that is divisible by some prime . Hence deduce that there are infinitely many primes congruent to 7 modulo 8 .
commentLet be the Hermitian matrix
Explaining carefully the method you use, find a diagonal matrix with rational entries, and an invertible (complex) matrix such that , where here denotes the conjugated transpose of .
Explain briefly why we cannot find as above with unitary.
[You may assume that if a monic polynomial with integer coefficients has all its roots rational, then all its roots are in fact integers.]
commentLet denote the matrix . Suppose that is a uppertriangular real matrix with strictly positive diagonal entries and that is orthogonal. Verify that .
Prove that any real invertible matrix has a decomposition , where is an orthogonal matrix and is an upper-triangular matrix with strictly positive diagonal entries.
Let now denote a real matrix, and be the decomposition of the previous paragraph. Let denote the matrix with copies of on the diagonal, and zeros elsewhere, and suppose that . Prove that is orthogonal. From this, deduce that the entries of are zero, apart from orthogonal blocks along the diagonal. Show that each has the form , for some upper-triangular matrix with strictly positive diagonal entries. Deduce that and .
[Hint: The invertible matrices with blocks along the diagonal, but with all other entries below the diagonal zero, form a group under matrix multiplication.]
commentA quantum mechanical particle of mass and energy encounters a potential step,
Calculate the probability that the particle is reflected in the case .
If is positive, what is the limiting value of when tends to ? If is negative, what is the limiting value of as tends to for fixed ?
commentConsider a quantum-mechanical particle of mass moving in a potential well,
(a) Verify that the set of normalised energy eigenfunctions are
and evaluate the corresponding energy eigenvalues .
(b) At time the wavefunction for the particle is only nonzero in the positive half of the well,
Evaluate the expectation value of the energy, first using
and secondly using
where the are the expansion coefficients in
Hence, show that
commentConsider a solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a particle of mass in a potential . The expectation value of an operator is defined as
Show that
and that
[You may assume that vanishes as
(a) Write down the angular momentum operators