Part II, 2020, Paper 1
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Paper 1, Section II, F
commentLet be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Prove that an affine variety is irreducible if and only if the associated ideal of polynomials that vanish on is prime.
Prove that the variety is irreducible.
State what it means for an affine variety over to be smooth and determine whether or not is smooth.
Paper 1, Section II,
commentLet be the map given by
where is identified with the unit circle in . [You may take as given that is a covering map.]
(a) Using the covering map , show that is isomorphic to as a group, where .
(b) Let denote the group of matrices with integer entries such that . If , we obtain a linear transformation . Show that this linear transformation induces a homeomorphism with and such that agrees with as a map .
(c) Let for be connected covering maps of degree 2 . Show that there exist homeomorphisms and so that the diagram
is commutative.
Paper 1, Section II, I
commentLet be equipped with the -algebra of Lebesgue measurable sets, and Lebesgue measure.
(a) Given , define the convolution , and show that it is a bounded, continuous function. [You may use without proof continuity of translation on for
Suppose is a measurable set with where denotes the Lebesgue measure of . By considering the convolution of and , or otherwise, show that the set contains an open neighbourhood of 0 . Does this still hold if ?
(b) Suppose that is a measurable function satisfying
Let . Show that for any :
(i) ,
(ii) for all , where for and denotes the set .
Show that is continuous at 0 and hence deduce that is continuous everywhere.
Paper 1, Section II, C
commentConsider the quantum mechanical scattering of a particle of mass in one dimension off a parity-symmetric potential, . State the constraints imposed by parity, unitarity and their combination on the components of the -matrix in the parity basis,
For the specific potential
show that
For , derive the condition for the existence of an odd-parity bound state. For and to leading order in , show that an odd-parity resonance exists and discuss how it evolves in time.
Paper 1, Section II, 28K
comment(a) What is meant by a birth process with strictly positive rates Explain what is meant by saying that is non-explosive.
(b) Show that is non-explosive if and only if
(c) Suppose , and where . Show that
Paper 1, Section I,
commentDefine an alphabet , a word over and a language over .
What is a regular expression and how does this give rise to a language
Given any alphabet , show that there exist languages over which are not equal to for any regular expression . [You are not required to exhibit a specific .]
Paper 1, Section II, F
comment(a) Define a register machine, a sequence of instructions for a register machine and a partial computable function. How do we encode a register machine?
(b) What is a partial recursive function? Show that a partial computable function is partial recursive. [You may assume that for a given machine with a given number of inputs, the function outputting its state in terms of the inputs and the time is recursive.]
(c) (i) Let be the partial function defined as follows: if codes a register machine and the ensuing partial function is defined at , set . Otherwise set . Is a partial computable function?
(ii) Let be the partial function defined as follows: if codes a register machine and the ensuing partial function is defined at , set . Otherwise, set if is odd and let be undefined if is even. Is a partial computable function?
Paper 1, Section I, B
commentA linear molecule is modelled as four equal masses connected by three equal springs. Using the Cartesian coordinates of the centres of the four masses, and neglecting any forces other than those due to the springs, write down the Lagrangian of the system describing longitudinal motions of the molecule.
Rewrite and simplify the Lagrangian in terms of the generalized coordinates
Deduce Lagrange's equations for . Hence find the normal modes of the system and their angular frequencies, treating separately the symmetric and antisymmetric modes of oscillation.
Paper 1, Section I, I
comment(a) Briefly describe the methods of Shannon-Fano and of Huffman for the construction of prefix-free binary codes.
(b) In this part you are given that , and .
Let . For , suppose that the probability of choosing is .
(i) Find a Shannon-Fano code for this system and the expected word length.
(ii) Find a Huffman code for this system and the expected word length.
(iii) Verify that Shannon's noiseless coding theorem is satisfied in each case.
Paper 1, Section II, I
comment(a) What does it mean to say that a binary code has length , size and minimum distance d?
Let be the largest value of for which there exists a binary -code.
(i) Show that .
(ii) Suppose that . Show that if a binary -code exists, then a binary -code exists. Deduce that .
(iii) Suppose that . Show that .
(b) (i) For integers and with , show that
For the remainder of this question, suppose that is a binary -code. For codewords of length , we define to be the word with addition modulo
(ii) Explain why the Hamming distance is the number of 1 s in .
(iii) Now we construct an array whose rows are all the words for pairs of distinct codewords . Show that the number of in is at most
Show also that the number of in is at least .
(iv) Using the inequalities derived in part(b) (iii), deduce that if is even and then
Paper 1, Section I, D
commentThe Friedmann equation is
Briefly explain the meaning of and .
Derive the Raychaudhuri equation,
where is the pressure, stating clearly any results that are required.
Assume that the strong energy condition holds. Show that there was necessarily a Big Bang singularity at time such that
where and is the time today.
Paper 1, Section II, D
commentA fluid with pressure sits in a volume . The change in energy due to a change in volume is given by . Use this in a cosmological context to derive the continuity equation,
with the energy density, the Hubble parameter, and the scale factor.
In a flat universe, the Friedmann equation is given by
Given a universe dominated by a fluid with equation of state , where is a constant, determine how the scale factor evolves.
Define conformal time . Assume that the early universe consists of two fluids: radiation with and a network of cosmic strings with . Show that the Friedmann equation can be written as
where is the energy density in radiation, and is the scale factor, both evaluated at radiation-string equality. Here, is a constant that you should determine. Find the solution .
Paper 1, Section II, I
comment(a) Let be a manifold. Give the definition of the tangent space of at a point .
(b) Show that defines a submanifold of and identify explicitly its tangent space for any .
(c) Consider the matrix group consisting of all matrices satisfying
where is the diagonal matrix .
(i) Show that forms a group under matrix multiplication, i.e. it is closed under multiplication and every element in has an inverse in .
(ii) Show that defines a 6-dimensional manifold. Identify the tangent space for any as a set where ranges over a linear subspace which you should identify explicitly.
(iii) Let be as defined in (b) above. Show that defined as the set of all such that for all is both a subgroup and a submanifold of full dimension.
[You may use without proof standard theorems from the course concerning regular values and transversality.]
Paper 1, Section II, 32E
comment(i) For the dynamical system
sketch the bifurcation diagram in the plane for the three cases and . Describe the bifurcation points that occur in each case.
(ii) For the case when only, confirm the types of bifurcation by finding the system to leading order near each of the bifurcations.
(iii) Explore the structural stability of these bifurcations by adding a small positive constant to the right-hand side of and by sketching the bifurcation diagrams, for the three cases and . Which of the original bifurcations are structurally stable?
Paper 1, Section II, 37D
commentA relativistic particle of rest mass and electric charge follows a worldline in Minkowski spacetime where is an arbitrary parameter which increases monotonically with the proper time . We consider the motion of the particle in a background electromagnetic field with four-vector potential between initial and final values of the proper time denoted and respectively.
(i) Write down an action for the particle's motion. Explain what is meant by a gauge transformation of the electromagnetic field. How does the action change under a gauge transformation?
(ii) Derive an equation of motion for the particle by considering the variation of the action with respect to the worldline . Setting show that your equation of motion reduces to the Lorentz force law,
where is the particle's four-velocity and is the Maxwell field-strength tensor.
(iii) Working in an inertial frame with spacetime coordinates , consider the case of a constant, homogeneous magnetic field of magnitude , pointing in the -direction, and vanishing electric field. In a gauge where , show that the equation of motion is solved by circular motion in the plane with proper angular frequency .
(iv) Let denote the speed of the particle in this inertial frame with Lorentz factor . Find the radius of the circle as a function of . Setting , evaluate the action for a single period of the particle's motion.
Paper 1, Section II, 39B
commentA viscous fluid is confined between an inner, impermeable cylinder of radius with centre at and another outer, impermeable cylinder of radius with centre at (so they touch at the origin and both have their axes in the direction). The inner cylinder rotates about its axis with angular velocity and the outer cylinder rotates about its axis with angular velocity . The fluid motion is two-dimensional and slow enough that the Stokes approximation is appropriate.
(i) Show that the boundary of the inner cylinder is described by the relationship
where are the usual polar coordinates centred on . Show also that on this cylinder the boundary condition on the tangential velocity can be written as
where and are the components of the velocity in the and directions respectively. Explain why the boundary condition (where is the streamfunction such that and can be imposed.
(ii) Write down the boundary conditions to be satisfied on the outer cylinder , explaining carefully why can also be imposed on this cylinder as well.
(iii) It is given that the streamfunction is of the form
where and are constants, which satisfies . Using the fact that due to the symmetry of the problem, show that the streamfunction is
where the constant is to be found.
(iv) Sketch the streamline pattern between the cylinders and determine the coordinates of the stagnation point in the flow.
Paper 1, Section I, 7 E
commentThe function , defined by
is analytic for .
(i) Show that .
(ii) Use part (i) to construct an analytic continuation of into Re , except at isolated singular points, which you need to identify.
Paper 1, Section II, E
commentUse the change of variable , to rewrite the equation
where is a real non-zero number, as the hypergeometric equation
where , and and should be determined explicitly.
(i) Show that ( is a Papperitz equation, with 0,1 and as its regular singular points. Hence, write the corresponding Papperitz symbol,
in terms of .
(ii) By solving ( ) directly or otherwise, find the hypergeometric function that is the solution to and is analytic at corresponding to the exponent 0 at , and satisfies ; moreover, write it in terms of and
(iii) By performing a suitable exponential shifting find the second solution, independent of , which corresponds to the exponent , and hence write in terms of and .
Paper 1, Section II, 18G
comment(a) State and prove the tower law.
(b) Let be a field and let .
(i) Define what it means for an extension to be a splitting field for .
(ii) Suppose is irreducible in , and char . Let be an extension of fields. Show that the roots of in are distinct.
(iii) Let , where is the finite field with elements. Let be a splitting field for . Show that the roots of in are distinct. Show that . Show that if is irreducible, and deg , then divides .
(iv) For each prime , give an example of a field , and a polynomial of degree , so that has at most one root in any extension of , with multiplicity .
Paper 1, Section II, 38D
commentLet be a four-dimensional manifold with metric of Lorentzian signature.
The Riemann tensor is defined through its action on three vector fields by
and the Ricci identity is given by
(i) Show that for two arbitrary vector fields , the commutator obeys
(ii) Let be a one-parameter family of affinely parametrized geodesics. Let be the tangent vector to the geodesic const, and be the tangent vector to the curves const . Derive the equation for geodesic deviation,
(iii) Let be a unit timelike vector field that satisfies the geodesic equation at every point of . Define
Show that
(iv) Let denote the geodesic deviation vector, as defined in (ii), of the family of geodesics defined by the vector field . Show that satisfies
(v) Show that
Paper 1, Section II, 17G
comment(a) The complement of a graph is defined as having the same vertex set as the graph, with vertices being adjacent in the complement if and only if they are not adjacent in the graph.
Show that no planar graph of order greater than 10 has a planar complement.
What is the maximum order of a bipartite graph that has a bipartite complement?
(b) For the remainder of this question, let be a connected bridgeless planar graph with vertices, edges, and containing no circuit of length 4 . Suppose that it is drawn with faces, of which are 3-sided.
Show that . Show further that , and hence .
Deduce that . Is there some and some for which equality holds? [Hint: consider "slicing the corners off" a dodecahedron.]
Paper 1, Section II, 33C
comment(a) Show that if is a symmetric matrix and is skew-symmetric then is symmetric.
(b) Consider the real symmetric matrix
(i.e. for , all other entries being zero) and the real skew-symmetric matrix
(i.e. for , all other entries being zero).
(i) Compute .
(ii) Assume that the are smooth functions of time so the matrix also depends smoothly on . Show that the equation implies that
for some function which you should find explicitly.
(iii) Using the transformation show that
for . [Use the convention ]
(iv) Deduce that given a solution of equation ( , there exist matrices depending on time such that , and explain how to obtain first integrals for from this.
Paper 1, Section II, I
comment(a) Define the dual space of a (real) normed space . Define what it means for two normed spaces to be isometrically isomorphic. Prove that is isometrically isomorphic to .
(b) Let . [In this question, you may use without proof the fact that is isometrically isomorphic to where .]
(i) Show that if is a countable dense subset of , then the function
defines a metric on the closed unit ball . Show further that for a sequence of elements , we have
Deduce that is a compact metric space.
(ii) Give an example to show that for a sequence of elements and ,
Paper 1, Section II, H
comment[Throughout this question, assume the axiom of choice.]
Let and be cardinals. Define and . What does it mean to say ? Show that . Show also that .
Assume now that and are infinite. Show that . Deduce that . Which of the following are always true and which can be false? Give proofs or counterexamples as appropriate. (i) ; (ii) ; (iii) .
Paper 1, Section I, 6B
commentConsider a bivariate diffusion process with drift vector and diffusion matrix where
and .
(i) Write down the Fokker-Planck equation for the probability .
(ii) Plot the drift vector as a vector field around the origin in the region , .
(iii) Obtain the stationary covariances in terms of the matrices and and hence compute their explicit values.
Paper 1, Section II, J
comment(a) Let be i.i.d. random elements taking values in a set and let be a class of functions . Define the Rademacher complexity . Write down an inequality relating the Rademacher complexity and
State the bounded differences inequality.
(b) Now given i.i.d. input-output pairs consider performing empirical risk minimisation with misclassification loss over the class of classifiers . Denote by the empirical risk minimiser [which you may assume exists]. For any classifier , let be its misclassification risk and suppose this is minimised over by . Prove that with probability at least ,
for , where is a class of functions related to that you should specify.
(c) Let for . Define the empirical Rademacher complexity . Show that with probability at least ,
Paper 1, Section II, 20G
commentState Minkowski's theorem.
Let , where is a square-free positive integer, not congruent to 3 Show that every nonzero ideal contains an element with
Deduce the finiteness of the class group of .
Compute the class group of . Hence show that the equation has no integer solutions.
Paper 1, Section I, H
commentWhat does it mean to say that a positive definite binary quadratic form is reduced?
Find all reduced binary quadratic forms of discriminant .
Prove that if a prime is represented by , then or .
Paper 1, Section II, E
commentLet be a real symmetric matrix with distinct eigenvalues and a corresponding orthonormal basis of real eigenvectors . Given a unit norm vector , and a set of parameters , consider the inverse iteration algorithm
(a) Let const for all . Assuming that with all , prove that
Explain briefly what happens to when for some , and when .
(b) Let for . Assuming that, for some , some and for a small ,
where is the appropriate normalising constant. Show that and determine the value of . Hence show that
where is the appropriate normalising constant, and find expressions for .
Paper 1, Section II, A
commentLet be the lowering operator of a one dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator of mass and frequency , and let be the ground state defined by .
a) Evaluate the commutator .
b) For , let be the unitary operator and define . By differentiating with respect to or otherwise, show that
c) The ground state of the harmonic oscillator saturates the uncertainty relation . Compute when the oscillator is in the state .
Paper 1, Section II, J
commentState and prove the Cramér-Rao inequality for a real-valued parameter . [Necessary regularity conditions need not be stated.]
In a general decision problem, define what it means for a decision rule to be minimax.
Let be i.i.d. from a distribution, where . Prove carefully that is minimax for quadratic risk on .
Paper 1, Section II, 27K
comment(a) Let be a probability space. State the definition of the space . Show that it is a Hilbert space.
(b) Give an example of two real random variables that are not independent and yet have the same law.
(c) Let be random variables distributed uniformly on . Let be the Lebesgue measure on the interval , and let be the Borel -algebra. Consider the expression
where Var denotes the variance and .
Assume that are pairwise independent. Compute in terms of the variance .
(d) Now we no longer assume that are pairwise independent. Show that
where the supremum ranges over functions such that and .
[Hint: you may wish to compute for the family of functions where and denotes the indicator function of the subset
Paper 1, Section I, 10C
commentSuppose we measure an observable on a qubit, where is a unit vector and is the vector of Pauli operators.
(i) Express as a matrix in terms of the components of .
(ii) Representing in terms of spherical polar coordinates as , rewrite the above matrix in terms of the angles and .
(iii) What are the possible outcomes of the above measurement?
(iv) Suppose the qubit is initially in a state . What is the probability of getting an outcome 1?
(v) Consider the three-qubit state
Suppose the second qubit is measured relative to the computational basis. What is the probability of getting an outcome 1? State the rule that you are using.
Paper 1, Section II, F
State and prove Maschke's theorem.
Let be the group of isometries of . Recall that is generated by the elements where