Paper 4, Section II, 16H

Logic and Set Theory | Part II, 2020

(a) State Zorn's lemma.

[Throughout the remainder of this question, assume Zorn's lemma.]

(b) Let PP be a poset in which every non-empty chain has an upper bound and let xPx \in P. By considering the poset Px={yPxy}P_{x}=\{y \in P \mid x \leqslant y\}, show that PP has a maximal element σ\sigma with xσx \leqslant \sigma.

(c) A filter is a non-empty subset FP(N)\mathcal{F} \subset \mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N}) satisfying the following three conditions:

  • if A,BFA, B \in \mathcal{F} then ABFA \cap B \in \mathcal{F}

  • if AFA \in \mathcal{F} and ABA \subset B then BFB \in \mathcal{F}

  • F.\emptyset \notin \mathcal{F} .

An ultrafilter is a filter U\mathcal{U} such that for all ANA \subset \mathbb{N} we have either AUA \in \mathcal{U} or AcUA^{c} \in \mathcal{U}, where Ac=N\AA^{c}=\mathbb{N} \backslash A.

(i) For each nNn \in \mathbb{N}, show that Un={ANnA}\mathcal{U}_{n}=\{A \subset \mathbb{N} \mid n \in A\} is an ultrafilter.

(ii) Show that F={ANAc\mathcal{F}=\left\{A \subset \mathbb{N} \mid A^{c}\right. is finite }\} is a filter but not an ultrafilter, and that for all nNn \in \mathbb{N} we have F⊄Un\mathcal{F} \not \subset \mathcal{U}_{n}.

(iii) Does there exist an ultrafilter U\mathcal{U} such that UUn\mathcal{U} \neq \mathcal{U}_{n} for any nNn \in \mathbb{N} ? Justify your answer.

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