Paper 2, Section II, I

Linear Analysis | Part II, 2020

(a) State and prove the Baire Category theorem.

Let p>1p>1. Apply the Baire Category theorem to show that 1q<plqlp\bigcup_{1 \leqslant q<p} l_{q} \neq l_{p}. Give an explicit element of lp\1q<plql_{p} \backslash \bigcup_{1 \leqslant q<p} l_{q}.

(b) Use the Baire Category theorem to prove that C([0,1])C([0,1]) contains a function which is nowhere differentiable.

(c) Let (X,)(X,\|\cdot\|) be a real Banach space. Verify that the map sending xx to the function ex:ϕϕ(x)e_{x}: \phi \mapsto \phi(x) is a continuous linear map of XX into (X)\left(X^{*}\right)^{*} where XX^{*} denotes the dual space of (X,)(X,\|\cdot\|). Taking for granted the fact that this map is an isometry regardless of the norm on XX, prove that if \|\cdot\|^{\prime} is another norm on the vector space XX which is not equivalent to \|\cdot\|, then there is a linear function ψ:XR\psi: X \rightarrow \mathbb{R} which is continuous with respect to one of the two norms ,\|\cdot\|,\|\cdot\|^{\prime} and not continuous with respect to the other.

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