Paper 4 , Section II, 17G17 G

Graph Theory | Part II, 2020

State and prove Vizing's theorem about the chromatic index χ(G)\chi^{\prime}(G) of a graph GG.

Let Km,nK_{m, n} be the complete bipartite graph with class sizes mm and nn. By first considering χ(Kn,n)\chi^{\prime}\left(K_{n, n}\right), find χ(Km,n)\chi^{\prime}\left(K_{m, n}\right) for all mm and nn.

Let GG be the graph of order 2n+12 n+1 obtained by subdividing a single edge of Kn,nK_{n, n} by a new vertex. Show that χ(G)=Δ(G)+1\chi^{\prime}(G)=\Delta(G)+1, where Δ(G)\Delta(G) is the maximum degree of GG.

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