Paper 3, Section II, 17G17 \mathrm{G}

Graph Theory | Part II, 2020

(i) State and prove Turán's theorem.

(ii) Let GG be a graph of order 2n42 n \geqslant 4 with n2+1n^{2}+1 edges. Show that GG must contain a triangle, and that if n=2n=2 then GG contains two triangles.

(iii) Show that if every edge of GG lies in a triangle then GG contains at least (n2+1)/3\left(n^{2}+1\right) / 3 triangles.

(iv) Suppose that GG has some edge uvu v contained in no triangles. Show that Γ(u)Γ(v)=\Gamma(u) \cap \Gamma(v)=\emptyset, and that if Γ(u)+Γ(v)=2n|\Gamma(u)|+|\Gamma(v)|=2 n then Γ(u)\Gamma(u) and Γ(v)\Gamma(v) are not both independent sets.

By induction on nn, or otherwise, show that every graph of order 2n42 n \geqslant 4 with n2+1n^{2}+1 edges contains at least nn triangles. [Hint: If uv is an edge that is contained in no triangles, consider GuvG-u-v.]

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