Paper 1, Section II, 37D

Electrodynamics | Part II, 2020

A relativistic particle of rest mass mm and electric charge qq follows a worldline xμ(λ)x^{\mu}(\lambda) in Minkowski spacetime where λ=λ(τ)\lambda=\lambda(\tau) is an arbitrary parameter which increases monotonically with the proper time τ\tau. We consider the motion of the particle in a background electromagnetic field with four-vector potential Aμ(x)A^{\mu}(x) between initial and final values of the proper time denoted τi\tau_{i} and τf\tau_{f} respectively.

(i) Write down an action for the particle's motion. Explain what is meant by a gauge transformation of the electromagnetic field. How does the action change under a gauge transformation?

(ii) Derive an equation of motion for the particle by considering the variation of the action with respect to the worldline xμ(λ)x^{\mu}(\lambda). Setting λ=τ\lambda=\tau show that your equation of motion reduces to the Lorentz force law,

mduμdτ=qFμνuνm \frac{d u^{\mu}}{d \tau}=q F^{\mu \nu} u_{\nu}

where uμ=dxμ/dτu^{\mu}=d x^{\mu} / d \tau is the particle's four-velocity and Fμν=μAννAμF^{\mu \nu}=\partial^{\mu} A^{\nu}-\partial^{\nu} A^{\mu} is the Maxwell field-strength tensor.

(iii) Working in an inertial frame with spacetime coordinates xμ=(ct,x,y,z)x^{\mu}=(c t, x, y, z), consider the case of a constant, homogeneous magnetic field of magnitude BB, pointing in the zz-direction, and vanishing electric field. In a gauge where Aμ=(0,0,Bx,0)A^{\mu}=(0,0, B x, 0), show that the equation of motion ()(*) is solved by circular motion in the xyx-y plane with proper angular frequency ω=qB/m\omega=q B / m.

(iv) Let vv denote the speed of the particle in this inertial frame with Lorentz factor γ(v)=1/1v2/c2\gamma(v)=1 / \sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}. Find the radius R=R(v)R=R(v) of the circle as a function of vv. Setting τf=τi+2π/ω\tau_{f}=\tau_{i}+2 \pi / \omega, evaluate the action S=S(v)S=S(v) for a single period of the particle's motion.

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