Paper 4, Section I, I

Coding and Cryptography | Part II, 2020

(a) What does it mean to say that a cipher has perfect secrecy? Show that if a cipher has perfect secrecy then there must be at least as many possible keys as there are possible plaintext messages. What is a one-time pad? Show that a one-time pad has perfect secrecy.

(b) I encrypt a binary sequence a1,a2,,aNa_{1}, a_{2}, \ldots, a_{N} using a one-time pad with key sequence k1,k2,k3,.k_{1}, k_{2}, k_{3}, \ldots . I transmit a1+k1,a2+k2,,aN+kNa_{1}+k_{1}, a_{2}+k_{2}, \ldots, a_{N}+k_{N} to you. Then, by mistake, I also transmit a1+k2,a2+k3,,aN+kN+1a_{1}+k_{2}, a_{2}+k_{3}, \ldots, a_{N}+k_{N+1} to you. Assuming that you know I have made this error, and that my message makes sense, how would you go about finding my message? Can you now decipher other messages sent using the same part of the key sequence? Briefly justify your answer.

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