Paper 1, Section I, I

Coding and Cryptography | Part II, 2020

(a) Briefly describe the methods of Shannon-Fano and of Huffman for the construction of prefix-free binary codes.

(b) In this part you are given that log2(1/10)3.32,log2(2/10)2.32-\log _{2}(1 / 10) \approx 3.32,-\log _{2}(2 / 10) \approx 2.32, log2(3/10)1.74-\log _{2}(3 / 10) \approx 1.74 and log2(4/10)1.32-\log _{2}(4 / 10) \approx 1.32.

Let A={1,2,3,4}\mathcal{A}=\{1,2,3,4\}. For kAk \in \mathcal{A}, suppose that the probability of choosing kk is k/10k / 10.

(i) Find a Shannon-Fano code for this system and the expected word length.

(ii) Find a Huffman code for this system and the expected word length.

(iii) Verify that Shannon's noiseless coding theorem is satisfied in each case.

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