Paper 1, Section II, F

Representation Theory | Part II, 2020

State and prove Maschke's theorem.

Let GG be the group of isometries of Z\mathbb{Z}. Recall that GG is generated by the elements t,st, s where t(n)=n+1t(n)=n+1 and s(n)=ns(n)=-n for nZn \in \mathbb{Z}.

Show that every non-faithful finite-dimensional complex representation of GG is a direct sum of subrepresentations of dimension at most two.

Write down a finite-dimensional complex representation of the group (Z,+)(\mathbb{Z},+) that is not a direct sum of one-dimensional subrepresentations. Hence, or otherwise, find a finitedimensional complex representation of GG that is not a direct sum of subrepresentations of dimension at most two. Briefly justify your answer.

[Hint: You may assume that any non-trivial normal subgroup of GG contains an element of the form tmt^{m} for some m>0m>0.]

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