Paper 2, Section II, 18H

Number Fields | Part II, 2017

(a) Let LL be a number field, OL\mathcal{O}_{L} the ring of integers in L,OLL, \mathcal{O}_{L}^{*} the units in OL,r\mathcal{O}_{L}, r the number of real embeddings of LL, and ss the number of pairs of complex embeddings of LL.

Define a group homomorphism OLRr+s1\mathcal{O}_{L}^{*} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{r+s-1} with finite kernel, and prove that the image is a discrete subgroup of Rr+s1\mathbb{R}^{r+s-1}.

(b) Let K=Q(d)K=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{d}) where d>1d>1 is a square-free integer. What is the structure of the group of units of KK ? Show that if dd is divisible by a prime p3(mod4)p \equiv 3(\bmod 4) then every unit of KK has norm +1+1. Find an example of KK with a unit of norm 1-1.

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