Paper 2, Section I, B

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2017

A bacterial nutrient uptake model is represented by the reaction system

2S+Ek1CCk22S+ECk3E+2P\begin{array}{rll} 2 S+E & \stackrel{k_{1}}{\longrightarrow} & C \\ C & \stackrel{k_{2}}{\longrightarrow} 2 S+E \\ C \stackrel{k_{3}}{\longrightarrow} & E+2 P \end{array}

where the kik_{i} are rate constants. Let s,e,cs, e, c and pp represent the concentrations of S,E,CS, E, C and PP respectively. Initially s=s0,e=e0,c=0s=s_{0}, e=e_{0}, c=0 and p=0p=0. Write down the governing differential equation system for the concentrations.

Either by using the differential equations or directly from the reaction system above, find two invariant quantities. Use these to simplify the system to

s˙=2k1s2(e0c)+2k2cc˙=k1s2(e0c)(k2+k3)c.\begin{aligned} \dot{s} &=-2 k_{1} s^{2}\left(e_{0}-c\right)+2 k_{2} c \\ \dot{c} &=k_{1} s^{2}\left(e_{0}-c\right)-\left(k_{2}+k_{3}\right) c . \end{aligned}

By setting u=s/s0u=s / s_{0} and v=c/e0v=c / e_{0} and rescaling time, show that the system can be written as

u=2u2(1v)+2(μλ)vϵv=u2(1v)μv\begin{aligned} u^{\prime} &=-2 u^{2}(1-v)+2(\mu-\lambda) v \\ \epsilon v^{\prime} &=\quad u^{2}(1-v)-\mu v \end{aligned}

where ϵ=e0/s0\epsilon=e_{0} / s_{0} and μ\mu and λ\lambda should be given. Give the initial conditions for uu and vv.

[Hint: Note that 2X2 X is equivalent to X+XX+X in reaction systems.]

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