Paper 4, Section II, H

Logic and Set Theory | Part II, 2017

Prove that every set has a transitive closure. [If you apply the Axiom of Replacement to a function-class FF, you must explain clearly why FF is indeed a function-class.]

State the Axiom of Foundation and the Principle of ϵ\epsilon-Induction, and show that they are equivalent (in the presence of the other axioms of ZFC\mathrm{ZFC} ).

State the ϵ\epsilon-Recursion Theorem.

Sets CαC_{\alpha} are defined for each ordinal α\alpha by recursion, as follows: C0=,Cα+1C_{0}=\emptyset, C_{\alpha+1} is the set of all countable subsets of CαC_{\alpha}, and Cλ=α<λCαC_{\lambda}=\cup_{\alpha<\lambda} C_{\alpha} for λ\lambda a non-zero limit. Does there exist an α\alpha with Cα+1=CαC_{\alpha+1}=C_{\alpha} ? Justify your answer.

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