Paper 4, Section II, H

Graph Theory | Part II, 2017

Let GG be a graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta. Show the following:

(i) Every eigenvalue λ\lambda of GG satisfies λΔ|\lambda| \leqslant \Delta.

(ii) If GG is regular then Δ\Delta is an eigenvalue.

(iii) If GG is regular and connected then the multiplicity of Δ\Delta as an eigenvalue is 1 .

(iv) If GG is regular and not connected then the multiplicity of Δ\Delta as an eigenvalue is greater than 1 .

Let AA be the adjacency matrix of the Petersen graph. Explain why A2+A2I=JA^{2}+A-2 I=J, where II is the identity matrix and JJ is the all-1 matrix. Find, with multiplicities, the eigenvalues of the Petersen graph.

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