Paper 4, Section II, I

Galois Theory | Part II, 2017

(a) State the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.

(b) What does it mean for an extension LL of Q\mathbb{Q} to be cyclotomic? Show that a cyclotomic extension LL of Q\mathbb{Q} is a Galois extension and prove that its Galois group is Abelian.

(c) What is the Galois group GG of Q(η)\mathbb{Q}(\eta) over Q\mathbb{Q}, where η\eta is a primitive 7 th root of unity? Identify the intermediate subfields MM, with QMQ(η)\mathbb{Q} \leqslant M \leqslant \mathbb{Q}(\eta), in terms of η\eta, and identify subgroups of GG to which they correspond. Justify your answers.

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