Paper 4, Section II, A

Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2017

Consider the one-dimensional map F:RRF: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} defined by

xi+1=F(xi;μ)=xi(axi2+bxi+μ),x_{i+1}=F\left(x_{i} ; \mu\right)=x_{i}\left(a x_{i}^{2}+b x_{i}+\mu\right),

where aa and bb are constants, μ\mu is a parameter and a0a \neq 0.

(a) Find the fixed points of FF and determine the linear stability of x=0x=0. Hence show that there are bifurcations at μ=1\mu=1, at μ=1\mu=-1 and, if b0b \neq 0, at μ=1+b2/(4a)\mu=1+b^{2} /(4 a).

Sketch the bifurcation diagram for each of the cases:

 (i) a>b=0, (ii) a,b>0 and (iii) a,b<0\text { (i) } a>b=0, \quad \text { (ii) } a, b>0 \text { and (iii) } a, b<0 \text {. }

In each case show the locus and stability of the fixed points in the (μ,x)(\mu, x)-plane, and state the type of each bifurcation. [Assume that there are no further bifurcations in the region sketched.]

(b) For the case F(x)=x(μx2)F(x)=x\left(\mu-x^{2}\right) (i.e. a=1,b=0)\left.a=-1, b=0\right), you may assume that

F2(x)=x+x(μ1x2)(μ+1x2)(1μx2+x4).F^{2}(x)=x+x\left(\mu-1-x^{2}\right)\left(\mu+1-x^{2}\right)\left(1-\mu x^{2}+x^{4}\right) .

Show that there are at most three 2-cycles and determine when they exist. By considering F(xi)F(xi+1)F^{\prime}\left(x_{i}\right) F^{\prime}\left(x_{i+1}\right), or otherwise, show further that one 2-cycle is always unstable when it exists and that the others are unstable when μ>5\mu>\sqrt{5}. Sketch the bifurcation diagram showing the locus and stability of the fixed points and 2-cycles. State briefly what you would expect to occur for μ>5\mu>\sqrt{5}.

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