Paper 3, Section I, C

Cosmology | Part II, 2017

(a) In the early universe electrons, protons and neutral hydrogen are in thermal equilibrium and interact via,

e+p+H+γe^{-}+p^{+} \leftrightharpoons H+\gamma

The non-relativistic number density of particles in thermal equlibrium is

ni=gi(2πmikTh2)32exp(μimic2kT)n_{i}=g_{i}\left(\frac{2 \pi m_{i} k T}{h^{2}}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}} \exp \left(\frac{\mu_{i}-m_{i} c^{2}}{k T}\right)

where, for each species i,gii, g_{i} is the number of degrees of freedom, mim_{i} is its mass, and μi\mu_{i} is its chemical potential. [You may assume ge=gp=2g_{e}=g_{p}=2 and gH=4g_{H}=4.]

Stating any assumptions required, use these expressions to derive the Saha equation which governs the relative abundances of electrons, protons and hydrogen,

nenpnH=(2πmekTh2)32exp(IkT)\frac{n_{e} n_{p}}{n_{H}}=\left(\frac{2 \pi m_{e} k T}{h^{2}}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}} \exp \left(-\frac{I}{k T}\right)

where II is the binding energy of hydrogen, which should be defined.

(b) Naively, we might expect that the majority of electrons and protons combine to form neutral hydrogen once the temperature drops below the binding energy, i.e. kTIk T \lesssim I. In fact recombination does not happen until a much lower temperature, when kT0.03Ik T \approx 0.03 I. Briefly explain why this is.

[Hint: It may help to consider the relative abundances of particles in the early universe.]

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