Paper 1, Section II, 11H11 H

Automata and Formal Languages | Part II, 2017

(a) Give an encoding to integers of all deterministic finite-state automata (DFAs). [Here the alphabet of each such DFA is always taken from the set {0,1,}\{0,1, \ldots\}, and the states for each such DFA are always taken from the set {q0,q1,}.]\left.\left\{q_{0}, q_{1}, \ldots\right\} .\right]

(b) Show that the set of codes for which the corresponding DFA DnD_{n} accepts a finite language is recursive. Moreover, if the language L(Dn)\mathcal{L}\left(D_{n}\right) is finite, show that we can compute its size L(Dn)\left|\mathcal{L}\left(D_{n}\right)\right| from nn.

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