Paper 4, Section II, 38B

Waves | Part II, 2017

Consider the Rossby-wave equation

t(2x22)φ+βφx=0,\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left(\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}-\ell^{2}\right) \varphi+\beta \frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial x}=0,

where >0\ell>0 and β>0\beta>0 are real constants. Find and sketch the dispersion relation for waves with wavenumber kk and frequency ω(k)\omega(k). Find and sketch the phase velocity c(k)c(k) and the group velocity cg(k)c_{g}(k), and identify in which direction(s) the wave crests travel, and the corresponding direction(s) of the group velocity.

Write down the solution with initial value

φ(x,0)=A(k)eikxdk\varphi(x, 0)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} A(k) e^{i k x} d k

where A(k)A(k) is real and A(k)=A(k)A(-k)=A(k). Use the method of stationary phase to obtain leading-order approximations to φ(x,t)\varphi(x, t) for large tt, with x/tx / t having the constant value VV, for

(i) 0<V<β/820<V<\beta / 8 \ell^{2},

(ii) β/2<V0-\beta / \ell^{2}<V \leqslant 0,

where the solutions for the stationary points should be left in implicit form. [It is helpful to note that ω(k)=ω(k)\omega(-k)=-\omega(k).]

Briefly discuss the nature of the solution for V>β/82V>\beta / 8 \ell^{2} and V<β/2V<-\beta / \ell^{2}. [Detailed calculations are not required.]

[Hint: You may assume that

e±iγu2du=(πγ)12e±iπ/4\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{\pm i \gamma u^{2}} d u=\left(\frac{\pi}{\gamma}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}} e^{\pm i \pi / 4}

for γ>0.]\gamma>0 .]

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