Paper 1, Section II, D

Statistical Physics | Part II, 2017

Explain what is meant by the microcanonical ensemble for a quantum system. Sketch how to derive the probability distribution for the canonical ensemble from the microcanonical ensemble. Under what physical conditions should each type of ensemble be used?

A paramagnetic solid contains atoms with magnetic moment μ=μBJ\boldsymbol{\mu}=\mu_{B} \mathbf{J}, where μB\mu_{B} is a positive constant and J\mathbf{J} is the intrinsic angular momentum of the atom. In an applied magnetic field B\mathbf{B}, the energy of an atom is μB-\boldsymbol{\mu} \cdot \mathbf{B}. Consider B=(0,0,B)\mathbf{B}=(0,0, B). Each atom has total angular momentum JZJ \in \mathbb{Z}, so the possible values of Jz=mZJ_{z}=m \in \mathbb{Z} are JmJ-J \leqslant m \leqslant J.

Show that the partition function for a single atom is

Z1(T,B)=sinh(x(J+12))sinh(x/2)Z_{1}(T, B)=\frac{\sinh \left(x\left(J+\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)}{\sinh (x / 2)}

where x=μBB/kTx=\mu_{B} B / k T.

Compute the average magnetic moment μz\left\langle\mu_{z}\right\rangle of the atom. Sketch μz/J\left\langle\mu_{z}\right\rangle / J for J=1J=1, J=2J=2 and J=3J=3 on the same graph.

The total magnetization is Mz=NμzM_{z}=N\left\langle\mu_{z}\right\rangle, where NN is the number of atoms. The magnetic susceptibility is defined by

χ=(MzB)T\chi=\left(\frac{\partial M_{z}}{\partial B}\right)_{T}

Show that the solid obeys Curie's law at high temperatures. Compute the susceptibility at low temperatures and give a physical explanation for the result.

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