Paper 1, Section II, 22F22 F

Analysis of Functions | Part II, 2017

Consider a sequence fn:RRf_{n}: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} of measurable functions converging pointwise to a function f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}. The Lebesgue measure is denoted by λ\lambda.

(a) Consider a Borel set ARA \subset \mathbb{R} with finite Lebesgue measure λ(A)<+\lambda(A)<+\infty. Define for k,n1k, n \geqslant 1 the sets

En(k):=mn{xAfm(x)f(x)1k}E_{n}^{(k)}:=\bigcap_{m \geqslant n}\left\{x \in A|| f_{m}(x)-f(x) \mid \leqslant \frac{1}{k}\right\}

Prove that for any k,n1k, n \geqslant 1, one has En(k)En+1(k)E_{n}^{(k)} \subset E_{n+1}^{(k)} and En(k+1)En(k)E_{n}^{(k+1)} \subset E_{n}^{(k)}. Prove that for any k1,A=n1En(k)k \geqslant 1, A=\cup_{n \geqslant 1} E_{n}^{(k)}.

(b) Consider a Borel set ARA \subset \mathbb{R} with finite Lebesgue measure λ(A)<+\lambda(A)<+\infty. Prove that for any ε>0\varepsilon>0, there is a Borel set AεAA_{\varepsilon} \subset A for which λ(A\Aε)ε\lambda\left(A \backslash A_{\varepsilon}\right) \leqslant \varepsilon and such that fnf_{n} converges to ff uniformly on AεA_{\varepsilon} as n+n \rightarrow+\infty. Is the latter still true when λ(A)=+\lambda(A)=+\infty ?

(c) Assume additionally that fnLp(R)f_{n} \in L^{p}(\mathbb{R}) for some p(1,+]p \in(1,+\infty], and there exists an M0M \geqslant 0 for which fnLp(R)M\left\|f_{n}\right\|_{L^{p}(\mathbb{R})} \leqslant M for all n1n \geqslant 1. Prove that fLp(R)f \in L^{p}(\mathbb{R}).

(d) Let fnf_{n} and ff be as in part (c). Consider a Borel set ARA \subset \mathbb{R} with finite Lebesgue measure λ(A)<+\lambda(A)<+\infty. Prove that fn,ff_{n}, f are integrable on AA and AfndλAfdλ\int_{A} f_{n} d \lambda \rightarrow \int_{A} f d \lambda as nn \rightarrow \infty. Deduce that fnf_{n} converges weakly to ff in Lp(R)L^{p}(\mathbb{R}) when p<+p<+\infty. Does the convergence have to be strong?

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