Paper 3, Section I, E

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2015

The number of a certain type of annual plant in year nn is given by xnx_{n}. Each plant produces kk seeds that year and then dies before the next year. The proportion of seeds that germinate to produce a new plant the next year is given by eγxne^{-\gamma x_{n}} where γ>0\gamma>0. Explain briefly why the system can be described by

xn+1=kxneγxnx_{n+1}=k x_{n} e^{-\gamma x_{n}}

Give conditions on kk for a stable positive equilibrium of the plant population size to be possible.

Winters become milder and now a proportion ss of all plants survive each year (s(0,1))(s \in(0,1)). Assume that plants produce seeds as before while they are alive. Show that a wider range of kk now gives a stable positive equilibrium population.

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