Paper 4, Section II, G

Linear Analysis | Part II, 2015

Let HH be a Hilbert space and TB(H)T \in \mathcal{B}(H). Define what is meant by an adjoint of TT and prove that it exists, it is linear and bounded, and that it is unique. [You may use the Riesz Representation Theorem without proof.]

What does it mean to say that TT is a normal operator? Give an example of a bounded linear map on 2\ell_{2} that is not normal.

Show that TT is normal if and only if Tx=Tx\|T x\|=\left\|T^{*} x\right\| for all xHx \in H.

Prove that if TT is normal, then σ(T)=σap(T)\sigma(T)=\sigma_{\mathrm{ap}}(T), that is, that every element of the spectrum of TT is an approximate eigenvalue of TT.

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