Paper 1, Section II, 35D

General Relativity | Part II, 2015

A vector field ξa\xi^{a} is said to be a conformal Killing vector field of the metric gabg_{a b} if

ξ(a;b)=12ψgab\xi_{(a ; b)}=\frac{1}{2} \psi g_{a b}

for some scalar field ψ\psi. It is a Killing vector field if ψ=0\psi=0.

(a) Show that ()(*) is equivalent to

ξcgab,c+ξ,acgbc+ξ,bcgac=ψgab\xi^{c} g_{a b, c}+\xi_{, a}^{c} g_{b c}+\xi_{, b}^{c} g_{a c}=\psi g_{a b}

(b) Show that if ξa\xi^{a} is a conformal Killing vector field of the metric gabg_{a b}, then ξa\xi^{a} is a Killing vector field of the metric e2ϕgab\mathrm{e}^{2 \phi} g_{a b}, where ϕ\phi is any function that obeys

2ξcϕ,c+ψ=0.2 \xi^{c} \phi_{, c}+\psi=0 .

(c) Use part (b) to find an example of a metric with coordinates t,x,yt, x, y and zz (where t>0)t>0) for which (t,x,y,z)(t, x, y, z) are the contravariant components of a Killing vector field. [Hint: You may wish to start by considering what happens in Minkowski space.]

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