Paper 3, Section II, F

Galois Theory | Part II, 2015

Let fQ[t]f \in \mathbb{Q}[t] be of degree n>0n>0, with no repeated roots, and let LL be a splitting field for ff.

(i) Show that ff is irreducible if and only if for any α,βRootf(L)\alpha, \beta \in \operatorname{Root}_{f}(L) there is ϕGal(L/Q)\phi \in \operatorname{Gal}(L / \mathbb{Q}) such that ϕ(α)=β\phi(\alpha)=\beta.

(ii) Explain how to define an injective homomorphism τ:Gal(L/Q)Sn\tau: \operatorname{Gal}(L / \mathbb{Q}) \rightarrow S_{n}. Find an example in which the image of τ\tau is the subgroup of S3S_{3} generated by (2 3). Find another example in which τ\tau is an isomorphism onto S3S_{3}.

(iii) Let f(t)=t53f(t)=t^{5}-3 and assume ff is irreducible. Find a chain of subgroups of Gal(L/Q)\operatorname{Gal}(L / \mathbb{Q}) that shows it is a solvable group. [You may quote without proof any theorems from the course, provided you state them clearly.]

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