Paper 1, Section II, B

Further Complex Methods | Part II, 2015

Consider the differential equation

xy+(ax)yby=0x y^{\prime \prime}+(a-x) y^{\prime}-b y=0

where aa and bb are constants with Re(b)>0\operatorname{Re}(b)>0 and Re(ab)>0\operatorname{Re}(a-b)>0. Laplace's method for finding solutions involves writing

y(x)=Cextf(t)dty(x)=\int_{C} e^{x t} f(t) d t

for some suitable contour CC and some suitable function f(t)f(t). Determine f(t)f(t) for the equation ()(*) and use a clearly labelled diagram to specify contours CC giving two independent solutions when xx is real in each of the cases x>0x>0 and x<0x<0.

Now let a=3a=3 and b=1b=1. Find explicit expressions for two independent solutions to ()(*). Find, in addition, a solution y(x)y(x) with y(0)=1y(0)=1.

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