Paper 2, Section I, B

Further Complex Methods | Part II, 2015

Give a brief description of what is meant by analytic continuation.

The dilogarithm function is defined by

Li2(z)=n=1znn2,z<1\mathrm{Li}_{2}(z)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{z^{n}}{n^{2}}, \quad|z|<1


f(z)=C1uln(1u)duf(z)=-\int_{C} \frac{1}{u} \ln (1-u) d u

where CC is a contour that runs from the origin to the point zz. Show that f(z)f(z) provides an analytic continuation of Li2(z)\mathrm{Li}_{2}(z) and describe its domain of definition in the complex plane, given a suitable branch cut.

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