Paper 1, Section II, E

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2015

(i) In a Newtonian fluid, the deviatoric stress tensor is linearly related to the velocity gradient so that the total stress tensor is

σij=pδij+Aijklukxl\sigma_{i j}=-p \delta_{i j}+A_{i j k l} \frac{\partial u_{k}}{\partial x_{l}}

Show that for an incompressible isotropic fluid with a symmetric stress tensor we necessarily have

Aijklukxl=2μeijA_{i j k l} \frac{\partial u_{k}}{\partial x_{l}}=2 \mu e_{i j} \text {, }

where μ\mu is a constant which we call the dynamic viscosity and eije_{i j} is the symmetric part of ui/xj\partial u_{i} / \partial x_{j}.

(ii) Consider Stokes flow due to the translation of a rigid sphere SaS_{a} of radius aa so that the sphere exerts a force F\mathbf{F} on the fluid. At distances much larger than the radius of the sphere, the instantaneous velocity and pressure fields are

ui(x)=18μπ(Fir+Fmxmxir3),p(x)=14πFmxmr3,u_{i}(\mathbf{x})=\frac{1}{8 \mu \pi}\left(\frac{F_{i}}{r}+\frac{F_{m} x_{m} x_{i}}{r^{3}}\right), \quad p(\mathbf{x})=\frac{1}{4 \pi} \frac{F_{m} x_{m}}{r^{3}},

where x\mathbf{x} is measured with respect to an origin located at the centre of the sphere, and r=xr=|\mathbf{x}|.

Consider a sphere SRS_{R} of radius RaR \gg a instantaneously concentric with SaS_{a}. By explicitly computing the tractions and integrating them, show that the force GG exerted by the fluid located in r>Rr>R on SRS_{R} is constant and independent of RR, and evaluate it.

(iii) Explain why the Stokes equations in the absence of body forces can be written

σijxj=0\frac{\partial \sigma_{i j}}{\partial x_{j}}=0

Show that by integrating this equation in the fluid volume located instantaneously between SaS_{a} and SRS_{R}, you can recover the result in (ii) directly.

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