Paper 1, Section II, 22G22 G

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2015

Let ΩR2\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{2} be a domain (connected open subset) with boundary Ω\partial \Omega a continuously differentiable simple closed curve. Denoting by A(Ω)A(\Omega) the area of Ω\Omega and l(Ω)l(\partial \Omega) the length of the curve Ω\partial \Omega, state and prove the isoperimetric inequality relating A(Ω)A(\Omega) and l(Ω)l(\partial \Omega) with optimal constant, including the characterization for equality. [You may appeal to Wirtinger's inequality as long as you state it precisely.]

Does the result continue to hold if the boundary Ω\partial \Omega is allowed finitely many points at which it is not differentiable? Briefly justify your answer by giving either a counterexample or an indication of a proof.

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