Paper 3, Section I, 7D7 \mathrm{D}

Classical Dynamics | Part II, 2015

(a) Consider a particle of mass mm that undergoes periodic motion in a one-dimensional potential V(q)V(q). Write down the Hamiltonian H(p,q)H(p, q) for the system. Explain what is meant by the angle-action variables (θ,I)(\theta, I) of the system and write down the integral expression for the action variable II.

(b) For V(q)=12mω2q2V(q)=\frac{1}{2} m \omega^{2} q^{2} and fixed total energy EE, describe the shape of the trajectories in phase-space. By using the expression for the area enclosed by the trajectory, or otherwise, find the action variable II in terms of ω\omega and EE. Hence describe how EE changes with ω\omega if ω\omega varies slowly with time. Justify your answer.

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