Paper 3, Section II, 27C27 \mathrm{C}

Asymptotic Methods | Part II, 2015

Show that

01eikt3dt=I1I2,k>0\int_{0}^{1} e^{i k t^{3}} d t=I_{1}-I_{2}, \quad k>0

where I1I_{1} is an integral from 0 to \infty along the line arg(z)=π6\arg (z)=\frac{\pi}{6} and I2I_{2} is an integral from 1 to \infty along a steepest-descent contour CC which you should determine.

By employing in the integrals I1I_{1} and I2I_{2} the changes of variables u=iz3u=-i z^{3} and u=i(z31)u=-i\left(z^{3}-1\right), respectively, compute the first two terms of the large kk asymptotic expansion of the integral above.

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