Paper 2, Section II, 36B

Waves | Part II, 2015

A uniform elastic solid with density ρ\rho and Lamé moduli λ\lambda and μ\mu occupies the region between rigid plane boundaries z=0z=0 and z=hz=h. Starting with the linear elastic wave equation, show that SH waves can propagate in the xx-direction within this waveguide, and find the dispersion relation ω(k)\omega(k) for the various modes.

State the cut-off frequency for each mode. Find the corresponding phase velocity c(k)c(k) and group velocity cg(k)c_{g}(k), and sketch these functions for k,ω>0k, \omega>0.

Define the time and cross-sectional average appropriate for a mode with frequency  \mathrm{~}energy. [You may assume that the elastic energy per unit volume is 12(λekk2+2μeijeij)\frac{1}{2}\left(\lambda e_{k k}^{2}+2 \mu e_{i j} e_{i j}\right).]

An elastic displacement of the form u=(0,f(x,z),0)\mathbf{u}=(0, f(x, z), 0) is created in a region near x=0x=0, and then released at t=0t=0. Explain briefly how the amplitude of the resulting disturbance varies with time as tt \rightarrow \infty at the moving position x=Vtx=V t for each of the cases 0<V2<μ/ρ0<V^{2}<\mu / \rho and V2>μ/ρV^{2}>\mu / \rho. [You may quote without proof any generic results from the method of stationary phase.]

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