Paper 1, Section II, C

Statistical Physics | Part II, 2015

(a) Define the canonical partition function ZZ for a system with energy levels EnE_{n}, where nn labels states, given that the system is in contact with a heat reservoir at temperature TT. What is the probability p(n)p(n) that the system occupies state nn ? Starting from an expression for the entropy S=kB(TlnZ)/TS=k_{B} \partial(T \ln Z) / \partial T, deduce that

S=kBnp(n)lnp(n)S=-k_{B} \sum_{n} p(n) \ln p(n)

(b) Consider an ensemble consisting of WW copies of the system in part (a) with WW very large, so that there are Wp(n)W p(n) members of the ensemble in state nn. Starting from an expression for the number of ways in which this can occur, find the entropy SWS_{W} of the ensemble and hence re-derive the expression ()(*). [You may assume Stirling's formula lnX!XlnXX\ln X ! \approx X \ln X-X for XX large. ]]

(c) Consider a system of NN non-interacting particles at temperature TT. Each particle has qq internal states with energies

0,E,2E,,(q1)E0, \mathcal{E}, 2 \mathcal{E}, \ldots,(q-1) \mathcal{E}

Assuming that the internal states are the only relevant degrees of freedom, calculate the total entropy of the system. Find the limiting values of the entropy as T0T \rightarrow 0 and TT \rightarrow \infty and comment briefly on your answers.

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