Paper 3, Section II, F

Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2015

Let (z)\wp(z) denote the Weierstrass \wp-function with respect to a lattice ΛC\Lambda \subset \mathbb{C} and let ff be an even elliptic function with periods Λ\Lambda. Prove that there exists a rational function QQ such that f(z)=Q((z))f(z)=Q(\wp(z)). If we write Q(w)=p(w)/q(w)Q(w)=p(w) / q(w) where pp and qq are coprime polynomials, find the degree of ff in terms of the degrees of the polynomials pp and qq. Describe all even elliptic functions of degree two. Justify your answers. [You may use standard properties of the Weierstrass \wp-function.]

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