Paper 4, Section II, A

Principles of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2015

The Hamiltonian for a quantum system in the Schrödinger picture is H0+λV(t)H_{0}+\lambda V(t), where H0H_{0} is independent of time and the parameter λ\lambda is small. Define the interaction picture corresponding to this Hamiltonian and derive a time evolution equation for interaction picture states.

Suppose that χ|\chi\rangle and ϕ|\phi\rangle are eigenstates of H0H_{0} with distinct eigenvalues EE and EE^{\prime}, respectively. Show that if the system is in state χ|\chi\rangle at time zero then the probability of measuring it to be in state ϕ|\phi\rangle at time tt is

λ220tdtϕV(t)χei(EE)t/2+O(λ3)\frac{\lambda^{2}}{\hbar^{2}}\left|\int_{0}^{t} d t^{\prime}\left\langle\phi\left|V\left(t^{\prime}\right)\right| \chi\right\rangle e^{i\left(E^{\prime}-E\right) t^{\prime} / \hbar}\right|^{2}+O\left(\lambda^{3}\right)

Let H0H_{0} be the Hamiltonian for an isotropic three-dimensional harmonic oscillator of mass mm and frequency ω\omega, with χ(r)\chi(r) being the ground state wavefunction (where r=xr=|\mathbf{x}| ) and ϕi(x)=(2mω/)1/2xiχ(r)\phi_{i}(\mathbf{x})=(2 m \omega / \hbar)^{1 / 2} x_{i} \chi(r) being wavefunctions for the states at the first excited energy level (i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3). The oscillator is in its ground state at t=0t=0 when a perturbation

λV(t)=λx^3eμt\lambda V(t)=\lambda \hat{x}_{3} e^{-\mu t}

is applied, with μ>0\mu>0, and H0H_{0} is then measured after a very large time has elapsed. Show that to first order in perturbation theory the oscillator will be found in one particular state at the first excited energy level with probability

λ22mω(μ2+ω2),\frac{\lambda^{2}}{2 \hbar m \omega\left(\mu^{2}+\omega^{2}\right)},

but that the probability that it will be found in either of the other excited states is zero (to this order).

[\left[\right. You may use the fact that 4π0r4χ(r)2dr=32mω.]\left.4 \pi \int_{0}^{\infty} r^{4}|\chi(r)|^{2} d r=\frac{3 \hbar}{2 m \omega} .\right]

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