Paper 2, Section II, G

Logic and Set Theory | Part II, 2013

Explain what is meant by a chain-complete poset. State the Bourbaki-Witt fixedpoint theorem for such posets.

A poset PP is called directed if every finite subset of PP (including the empty subset) has an upper bound in P;PP ; P is called directed-complete if every subset of PP which is directed (in the induced ordering) has a least upper bound in PP. Show that the set of all chains in an arbitrary poset PP, ordered by inclusion, is directed-complete.

Given a poset PP, let [PP][P \rightarrow P] denote the set of all order-preserving maps PPP \rightarrow P, ordered pointwise (i.e. fgf \leqslant g if and only if f(x)g(x)f(x) \leqslant g(x) for all xx ). Show that [PP][P \rightarrow P] is directed-complete if PP is.

Now suppose PP is directed-complete, and that f:PPf: P \rightarrow P is order-preserving and inflationary. Show that there is a unique smallest set C[PP]C \subseteq[P \rightarrow P] satisfying

(a) fCf \in C;

(b) CC is closed under composition (i.e. g,hCghCg, h \in C \Rightarrow g \circ h \in C ); and

(c) CC is closed under joins of directed subsets.

Show that

(i) all maps in CC are inflationary;

(ii) CC is directed;

(iii) if g=Cg=\bigvee C, then all values of gg are fixed points of ff;

(iv) for every xPx \in P, there exists yPy \in P with xy=f(y)x \leqslant y=f(y).

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