Paper 4, Section II, D

Applications of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2013

Define the Floquet matrix for a particle moving in a periodic potential in one dimension and explain how it determines the allowed energy bands of the system.

A potential barrier in one dimension has the form

V(x)={V0(x),x<a/40,x>a/4V(x)= \begin{cases}V_{0}(x), & |x|<a / 4 \\ 0, & |x|>a / 4\end{cases}

where V0(x)V_{0}(x) is a smooth, positive function of xx. The reflection and transmission amplitudes for a particle of wavenumber k>0k>0, incident from the left, are r(k)r(k) and t(k)t(k) respectively. For a particle of wavenumber k-k, incident from the right, the corresponding amplitudes are r(k)r^{\prime}(k) and t(k)=t(k)t^{\prime}(k)=t(k). In the following, for brevity, we will suppress the kk-dependence of these quantities.

Consider the periodic potential V~\tilde{V}, defined by V~(x)=V(x)\tilde{V}(x)=V(x) for x<a/2|x|<a / 2 and by V~(x+a)=V~(x)\tilde{V}(x+a)=\widetilde{V}(x) elsewhere. Write down two linearly independent solutions of the corresponding Schrödinger equation in the region 3a/4<x<a/4-3 a / 4<x<-a / 4. Using the scattering data given above, extend these solutions to the region a/4<x<3a/4a / 4<x<3 a / 4. Hence find the Floquet matrix of the system in terms of the amplitudes r,rr, r^{\prime} and tt defined above.

Show that the edges of the allowed energy bands for this potential lie at E=2k2/2mE=\hbar^{2} k^{2} / 2 m, where

ka=ilog(t±rr)k a=i \log \left(t \pm \sqrt{r r^{\prime}}\right)

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