Paper 4, Section I, 3G3 G

Geometry and Groups | Part II, 2013

Let Δ1,Δ2\Delta_{1}, \Delta_{2} be two disjoint closed discs in the Riemann sphere with bounding circles Γ1,Γ2\Gamma_{1}, \Gamma_{2} respectively. Let JkJ_{k} be inversion in the circle Γk\Gamma_{k} and let TT be the Möbius transformation J2J1J_{2} \circ J_{1}.

Show that, if wΔ1w \notin \Delta_{1}, then T(w)Δ2T(w) \in \Delta_{2} and so Tn(w)Δ2T^{n}(w) \in \Delta_{2} for n=1,2,3,n=1,2,3, \ldots Deduce that TT has a fixed point in Δ2\Delta_{2} and a second in Δ1\Delta_{1}.

Deduce that there is a Möbius transformation AA with

A(Δ1)={z:z1} and A(Δ2)={z:zR}A\left(\Delta_{1}\right)=\{z:|z| \leqslant 1\} \quad \text { and } \quad A\left(\Delta_{2}\right)=\{z:|z| \geqslant R\}

for some R>1R>1.

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