Paper 1, Section II, 37D

General Relativity | Part II, 2013

The curve γ,xa=xa(λ)\gamma, x^{a}=x^{a}(\lambda), is a geodesic with affine parameter λ\lambda. Write down the geodesic equation satisfied by xa(λ)x^{a}(\lambda).

Suppose the parameter is changed to μ(λ)\mu(\lambda), where dμ/dλ>0d \mu / d \lambda>0. Obtain the corresponding equation and find the condition for μ\mu to be affine. Deduce that, whatever parametrization ν\nu is used along the curve γ\gamma, the tangent vector KaK^{a} to γ\gamma satisfies

(νK)[aKb]=0\left(\nabla_{\nu} K\right)^{[a} K^{b]}=0 \text {. }

Now consider a spacetime with metric gabg_{a b}, and conformal transformation

g~ab=Ω2(xc)gab\tilde{g}_{a b}=\Omega^{2}\left(x^{c}\right) g_{a b}

The curve γ\gamma is a geodesic of the metric connection of gabg_{a b}. What further restriction has to be placed on γ\gamma so that it is also a geodesic of the metric connection of g~ab\tilde{g}_{a b} ? Justify your answer.

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