Paper 1, Section II, A

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2013

The velocity field u\mathbf{u} and stress tensor σ\sigma satisfy the Stokes equations in a volume VV bounded by a surface SS. Let u^\hat{\mathbf{u}} be another solenoidal velocity field. Show that

Sσijnju^idS=V2μeije^ijdV\int_{S} \sigma_{i j} n_{j} \hat{u}_{i} d S=\int_{V} 2 \mu e_{i j} \hat{e}_{i j} d V

where e\mathbf{e} and e^\hat{\mathbf{e}} are the strain-rates corresponding to the velocity fields u\mathbf{u} and u^\hat{\mathbf{u}} respectively, and n\mathbf{n} is the unit normal vector out of VV. Hence, or otherwise, prove the minimum dissipation theorem for Stokes flow.

A particle moves at velocity U\mathbf{U} through a highly viscous fluid of viscosity μ\mu contained in a stationary vessel. As the particle moves, the fluid exerts a drag force F\mathbf{F} on it. Show that

FU=V2μeijeijdV.-\mathbf{F} \cdot \mathbf{U}=\int_{V} 2 \mu e_{i j} e_{i j} d V .

Consider now the case when the particle is a small cube, with sides of length \ell, moving in a very large vessel. You may assume that

F=kμU\mathbf{F}=-k \mu \ell \mathbf{U}

for some constant kk. Use the minimum dissipation theorem, being careful to declare the domain(s) involved, to show that

3πk33π.3 \pi \leqslant k \leqslant 3 \sqrt{3} \pi .

[You may assume Stokes' result for the drag on a sphere of radius a,F=6πμaUa, \mathbf{F}=-6 \pi \mu a \mathbf{U}.]

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