Paper 4, Section II, A

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2013

Consider the flow of an incompressible fluid of uniform density ρ\rho and dynamic viscosity μ\mu. Show that the rate of viscous dissipation per unit volume is given by

Φ=2μeijeij\Phi=2 \mu e_{i j} e_{i j}

where eije_{i j} is the strain rate.

Determine expressions for eije_{i j} and Φ\Phi when the flow is irrotational with velocity potential ϕ\phi.

In deep water a linearised wave with a surface displacement η=acos(kxωt)\eta=a \cos (k x-\omega t) has a velocity potential ϕ=(ωa/k)ekzsin(kxωt)\phi=-(\omega a / k) e^{-k z} \sin (k x-\omega t). Hence determine the rate of the viscous dissipation, averaged over a wave period 2π/ω2 \pi / \omega, for an irrotational surface wave of wavenumber kk and small amplitude a1/ka \ll 1 / k in a fluid with very small viscosity μρω/k2\mu \ll \rho \omega / k^{2} and great depth H1/kH \gg 1 / k.

Calculate the depth-integrated kinetic energy per unit wavelength. Assuming that the average potential energy is equal to the average kinetic energy, show that the total wave energy decreases to leading order as eγte^{-\gamma t}, where γ\gamma should be found.

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