Paper 3, Section I, C

Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2013

A one-dimensional map is defined by

xn+1=F(xn,μ)x_{n+1}=F\left(x_{n}, \mu\right)

where μ\mu is a parameter. What is the condition for a bifurcation of a fixed point xx_{*} of FF ?

Let F(x,μ)=x(x22x+μ)F(x, \mu)=x\left(x^{2}-2 x+\mu\right). Find the fixed points and show that bifurcations occur when μ=1,μ=1\mu=-1, \mu=1 and μ=2\mu=2. Sketch the bifurcation diagram, showing the locus and stability of the fixed points in the (x,μ)(x, \mu) plane and indicating the type of each bifurcation.

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