Paper 3, Section II, D

Cosmology | Part II, 2013

The contents of a spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe are modelled as a finite mass MM of pressureless material whose radius r(t)r(t) evolves from some constant reference radius r0r_{0} in proportion to the time-dependent scale factor a(t)a(t), with

r(t)=a(t)r0r(t)=a(t) r_{0}

(i) Show that this motion leads to expansion governed by Hubble's Law. If this universe is expanding, explain why there will be a shift in the frequency of radiation between its emission from a distant object and subsequent reception by an observer. Define the redshift zz of the observed object in terms of the values of the scale factor a(t)a(t) at the times of emission and reception.

(ii) The expanding universal mass MM is given a small rotational perturbation, with angular velocity ω\omega, and its angular momentum is subsequently conserved. If deviations from spherical expansion can be neglected, show that its linear rotational velocity will fall as VanV \propto a^{-n}, where you should determine the value of nn. Show that this perturbation will become increasingly insignificant compared to the expansion velocity as the universe expands if at2/3a \propto t^{2 / 3}.

(iii) A distant cloud of intermingled hydrogen (H) atoms and carbon monoxide (CO) molecules has its redshift determined simultaneously in two ways: by detecting 21 cm21 \mathrm{~cm} radiation from atomic hydrogen and by detecting radiation from rotational transitions in CO molecules. The ratio of the 21 cm21 \mathrm{~cm} atomic transition frequency to the CO rotational transition frequency is proportional to α2\alpha^{2}, where α\alpha is the fine structure constant. It is suggested that there may be a small difference in the value of the constant α\alpha between the times of emission and reception of the radiation from the cloud.

Show that the difference in the redshift values for the cloud, Δz=zCOz21\Delta z=z_{C O}-z_{21}, determined separately by observations of the H\mathrm{H} and CO\mathrm{CO} transitions, is related to δα=\delta \alpha= αrαe\alpha_{r}-\alpha_{e}, the difference in α\alpha values at the times of reception and emission, by

Δz=2(δααr)(1+zCO)\Delta z=2\left(\frac{\delta \alpha}{\alpha_{r}}\right)\left(1+z_{C O}\right)

(iv) The universe today contains 30%30 \% of its total density in the form of pressureless matter and 70%70 \% in the form of a dark energy with constant redshift-independent density. If these are the only two significant constituents of the universe, show that their densities were equal when the scale factor of the universe was approximately equal to 75%75 \% of its present value.

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