Paper 2, Section II, H

Algebraic Geometry | Part II, 2013

Let VP3V \subset \mathbb{P}^{3} be an irreducible quadric surface.

(i) Show that if VV is singular, then every nonsingular point lies in exactly one line in VV, and that all the lines meet in the singular point, which is unique.

(ii) Show that if VV is nonsingular then each point of VV lies on exactly two lines of VV.

Let VV be nonsingular, P0P_{0} a point of VV, and ΠP3\Pi \subset \mathbb{P}^{3} a plane not containing P0P_{0}. Show that the projection from P0P_{0} to Π\Pi is a birational map f:VΠf: V \rightarrow \rightarrow \Pi. At what points does ff fail to be regular? At what points does f1f^{-1} fail to be regular? Justify your answers.

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