Paper 3, Section II, E

Applications of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2012

A simple model of a crystal consists of a 1D linear array of sites at positions x=nax=n a, for all integer nn and separation aa, each occupied by a similar atom. The potential due to the atom at the origin is U(x)U(x), which is symmetric: U(x)=U(x)U(-x)=U(x). The Hamiltonian, H0H_{0}, for the atom at the nn-th site in isolation has electron eigenfunction ψn(x)\psi_{n}(x) with energy E0E_{0}. Write down H0H_{0} and state the relationship between ψn(x)\psi_{n}(x) and ψ0(x)\psi_{0}(x).

The Hamiltonian HH for an electron moving in the crystal is H=H0+V(x)H=H_{0}+V(x). Give an expression for V(x)V(x).

In the tight-binding approximation for this model the ψn\psi_{n} are assumed to be orthonormal, (ψn,ψm)=δnm\left(\psi_{n}, \psi_{m}\right)=\delta_{n m}, and the only non-zero matrix elements of H0H_{0} and VV are

(ψn,H0ψn)=E0,(ψn,Vψn)=α,(ψn,Vψn±1)=A\left(\psi_{n}, H_{0} \psi_{n}\right)=E_{0}, \quad\left(\psi_{n}, V \psi_{n}\right)=\alpha, \quad\left(\psi_{n}, V \psi_{n \pm 1}\right)=-A

where A>0A>0. By considering the trial wavefunction Ψ(x,t)=ncn(t)ψn(x)\Psi(x, t)=\sum_{n} c_{n}(t) \psi_{n}(x), show that the time-dependent Schrödinger equation governing the amplitudes cn(t)c_{n}(t) is

ic˙n=(E0+α)cnA(cn+1+cn1)i \hbar \dot{c}_{n}=\left(E_{0}+\alpha\right) c_{n}-A\left(c_{n+1}+c_{n-1}\right)

By examining a solution of the form

cn=ei(knaEt/)c_{n}=e^{i(k n a-E t / \hbar)}

show that EE, the energy of the electron in the crystal, lies in a band given by

E=E0+α2AcoskaE=E_{0}+\alpha-2 A \cos k a

Using the fact that ψ0(x)\psi_{0}(x) is a parity eigenstate show that

(ψn,xψn)=na.\left(\psi_{n}, x \psi_{n}\right)=n a .

The electron in this model is now subject to an electric field E\mathcal{E} in the direction of increasing xx, so that V(x)V(x) is replaced by V(x)eExV(x)-e \mathcal{E} x, where e-e is the charge on the electron. Assuming that (ψn,xψm)=0,nm\left(\psi_{n}, x \psi_{m}\right)=0, n \neq m, write down the new form of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the probability amplitudes cnc_{n}. Verify that it has solutions of the form

cn=exp[i0tϵ(t)dt+i(k+eEt)na]c_{n}=\exp \left[-\frac{i}{\hbar} \int_{0}^{t} \epsilon\left(t^{\prime}\right) d t^{\prime}+i\left(k+\frac{e \mathcal{E} t}{\hbar}\right) n a\right]


ϵ(t)=E0+α2Acos[(k+eEt)a]\epsilon(t)=E_{0}+\alpha-2 A \cos \left[\left(k+\frac{e \mathcal{E} t}{\hbar}\right) a\right]

Use this result to show that the dynamical behaviour of an electron near the bottom of an energy band is the same as that for a free particle in the presence of an electric field with an effective mass m=2/(2Aa2)m^{*}=\hbar^{2} /\left(2 A a^{2}\right).

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