Paper 2, Section II, H

Logic and Set Theory | Part II, 2012

Explain what is meant by a substructure of a Σ\Sigma-structure AA, where Σ\Sigma is a first-order signature (possibly including both predicate symbols and function symbols). Show that if BB is a substructure of AA, and ϕ\phi is a first-order formula over Σ\Sigma with nn free variables, then [ϕ]B=[ϕ]ABn[\phi]_{B}=[\phi]_{A} \cap B^{n} if ϕ\phi is quantifier-free. Show also that [ϕ]B[ϕ]ABn[\phi]_{B} \subseteq[\phi]_{A} \cap B^{n} if ϕ\phi is an existential formula (that is, one of the form (x1,,xm)ψ\left(\exists x_{1}, \ldots, x_{m}\right) \psi where ψ\psi is quantifier-free), and [ϕ]B[ϕ]ABn[\phi]_{B} \supseteq[\phi]_{A} \cap B^{n} if ϕ\phi is a universal formula. Give examples to show that the two latter inclusions can be strict.

Show also that

(a) if TT is a first-order theory whose axioms are all universal sentences, then any substructure of a TT-model is a TT-model;

(b) if TT is a first-order theory such that every first-order formula ϕ\phi is TT-provably equivalent to a universal formula (that is, T(ϕψ)T \vdash(\phi \Leftrightarrow \psi) for some universal ψ\psi ), and BB is a sub-T-model of a TT-model AA, then [ϕ]B=[ϕ]ABn[\phi]_{B}=[\phi]_{A} \cap B^{n} for every first-order formula ϕ\phi with nn free variables.

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