Paper 4, Section II, 12G12 \mathrm{G}

Geometry and Groups | Part II, 2012

Define the Hausdorff dimension of a subset of the Euclidean plane.

Let Δ\Delta be a closed disc of radius r0r_{0} in the Euclidean plane. Define a sequence of sets KnΔ,n=1,2,K_{n} \subseteq \Delta, n=1,2, \ldots, as follows: K1=ΔK_{1}=\Delta and for each n1n \geqslant 1 a subset Kn+1KnK_{n+1} \subset K_{n} is produced by replacing each component disc Γ\Gamma of KnK_{n} by three disjoint, closed discs inside Γ\Gamma with radius at most cnc_{n} times the radius of Γ\Gamma. Let KK be the intersection of the sets KnK_{n}. Show that if the factors cnc_{n} converge to a limit cc with 0<c<10<c<1, then the Hausdorff dimension of KK is at most log13/logc\log \frac{1}{3} / \log c.

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