Paper 2, Section I, E

Further Complex Methods | Part II, 2012

The hypergeometric function F(a,b;c;z)F(a, b ; c ; z) is defined as the particular solution of the second order linear ODE characterised by the Papperitz symbol

P{0100az1ccabb}\mathrm{P}\left\{\begin{array}{cccc} 0 & 1 & \infty \\ 0 & 0 & a & z \\ 1-c & c-a-b & b \end{array}\right\}

that is analytic at z=0z=0 and satisfies F(a,b;c;0)=1F(a, b ; c ; 0)=1.

Using the fact that a second solution w(z)w(z) of the above ODE is of the form

w(z)=z1cu(z)w(z)=z^{1-c} u(z)

where u(z)u(z) is analytic in the neighbourhood of the origin, express w(z)w(z) in terms of FF.

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