Paper 4, Section II, C

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2012

A steady, two-dimensional flow in the region y>0y>0 takes the form (u,v)=(u, v)= (Ex,Ey)(E x,-E y) at large yy, where EE is a positive constant. The boundary at y=0y=0 is rigid and no-slip. Consider the velocity field u=ψ/y,v=ψ/xu=\partial \psi / \partial y, v=-\partial \psi / \partial x with stream function ψ=Exδf(η)\psi=\operatorname{Ex} \delta f(\eta), where η=y/δ\eta=y / \delta and δ=(ν/E)1/2\delta=(\nu / E)^{1 / 2} and ν\nu is the kinematic viscosity. Show that this velocity field satisfies the Navier-Stokes equations provided that f(η)f(\eta) satisfies

f+ff(f)2=1f^{\prime \prime \prime}+f f^{\prime \prime}-\left(f^{\prime}\right)^{2}=-1

What are the conditions on ff at η=0\eta=0 and as η\eta \rightarrow \infty ?

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