Paper 1, Section II, B

Electrodynamics | Part II, 2012

A particle of mass mm and charge qq moves relativistically under the influence of a constant electric field EE in the positive zz-direction, and a constant magnetic field BB also in the positive zz-direction.

In some inertial observer's coordinate system, the particle starts at

x=R,y=0,z=0,t=0x=R, \quad y=0, \quad z=0, \quad t=0

with velocity given by

x˙=0,y˙=u,z˙=0,\dot{x}=0, \quad \dot{y}=u, \quad \dot{z}=0,

where the dot indicates differentiation with respect to the proper time of the particle. Show that the subsequent motion of the particle, as seen by the inertial observer, is a helix.

a) What is the radius of the helix as seen by the inertial observer?

b) What are the xx and yy coordinates of the axis of the helix?

c) What is the zz coordinate of the particle after a proper time τ\tau has elapsed, as measured by the particle?

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